Thursday, March 11, 2010

Experiments in Scrapbooking Techniques 1: White Space

Greetings, my name is Shoe and this is my Experimental scrap booking blog. Today, I wanted to explore the technique of white space and how it effects the viewer. I chose a simple orange button to bring the user's focus not on the white space, but the rest of the layout. Without the rest of the layout, white space is not only white space, but a piece of paper. The choice between a button of orange color, and a spagetti sauce stain was a difficult one, but I was hungry and ate all the sauce before I could use it. I feel that the orange button expresses my hunger not only for tasty noodles, but for the universe.



  1. Shoe, you've got mad talent :)

  2. OMG SHOE!!! this layout is truly brilliant!!!! seriously. And you made me laugh!

  3. That is the best layout using white space I have seen!!!!

  4. The laughs shall continue net week Methinks :D

  5. Are you mocking us? That's pretty funny...

    Keep it coming...I will check back...

  6. LMAO I thought something was wrong with my computer and was wondering why the picture wasn't showing.......and then I seen the button and started reading your post. I laughed the entire time reading.

    You really worked the negative space and gave your LO much meaning to it. LOL Love it! Thanks for the laughs! I REALLY think you should consider trying out for the DT. I'm sure that will make it 10x more interesting....for realz!

  7. I don't want to be a Cheaty McCheatenstein, I AM technically staff you know, but maybe...just maybe I will guest design a time or 2.


  8. Wow. You just blew my mind.

    This is all...transcendental, or existential, or something.

    Clearly, I must follow your blog to see what brilliance in crafting you come up with next!


  9. Oh, you must be on the design team! I know, you could be a permanent in-house truly snobby designer! LOLRUS!!! Although I doubt you really are snobby.

  10. PMSL, talk about taking the piss!!!!

  11. AHHHHHHHHHH I love it!!! I am still laughing. I think I woke up the rest of my house... love that negative space Shoe... I think you have a good thing going!!
